Adopted: 1995                                                                                                                                               District 599 Policy 405

Rev: 2004







The purpose of this policy is to comply with Minnesota law mandating preference points for veterans applying for employment with political subdivisions.



A.    It is the school district’s policy to comply with Minnesota law regarding veteran's preference rights and the mandating of preference points to veterans and spouses of deceased veterans or disabled veterans.

B.    Veteran preference points will be applied pursuant to applicable law as follows:

1.     There shall be added to the competitive open examination rating of a non disabled veteran, who so elects, a credit of five points provided that the veteran obtained a passing rating on the examination without the addition of the credit points.

2.     There shall be added to the competitive open examination rating of a disabled veteran, who so elects, a credit of ten points provided that the veteran obtained a passing rating on the examination without the addition of the credit points.

3.     There shall be added to the competitive promotional examination rating of a disabled veteran, who so elects, a credit of five points provided that (a) the veteran obtained a passing rating on the examination without the addition of the credit points and (b) the veteran is applying for a first promotion after securing public employment.

C.    Eligibility for and application of veteran’s preference and the definition of a veteran for the purpose of preference will be pursuant to applicable law.

D.    When notifying applicants that they have been accepted into the selection process, the school district shall notify applicants that they may elect to use veteran’s preference.

E.     It is the school district’s policy to use a 100-point hiring system to enable allocation of veteran preference points.

F.     If the school district rejects a member of the finalist pool who has claimed veteran’s preference, the school district shall notify the finalist in writing of the reasons for the fejection and file the notice with the school district’s personnel officer.



Legal References:               Minn. Stat. § 43A.11 (Veteran’s Preference)

                                                Minn. Stat. § 197.455 (Veteran’s Preference Applied)

                                                Minn. Stat. § 197.46 et. seq. (Veteran’s Preference Act)

Hall v. City of Champlin, 463 N.W.2d 502 (1990)


Cross References:                Policy 401 (Equal Employment Opportunity)

MSBA Research Bulletin 91-6